
Column grou


Gabriel Miró Carbonell, Lawyer of the ICA of Alcoy no. 723, owner of the practice, has an extensive professional career of 15 years effective practice, during this time he has provided judicial and extrajudicial advice to both individuals and companies throughout the country.

He has had the opportunity to serve as a public defender, fulfilling the social commitment entrusted to the profession.

Within the practice, it is worth highlighting his work in the commercial and corporate fields, as well as in the field of insolvency, in addition to being a judicially appointed insolvency administrator. He has extensive experience in the defence of criminal defendants and assistance to detainees.



Rebeca Pérez Ruiz, Lawyer of the ICA of Alcoy no. 711, holds a Degree in Law from the University of Valencia. Since 2004 he has been practicing self-advocacy.

She specializes in Civil and Criminal Law, as well as, in matters related to gender-based violence, minors and assistance to detainees. Since 2021 she has been part of the team as a collaborating lawyer.

In addition, she is co-founder, member of the technical team and advisory lawyer of the association against gender-based violence Utopia Iguala. She also participates in the Legal Guidance Service of the Illustrious Bar Association of Alcoy and as a public defender in Alcoy and Ibi.



Aleix Sánchez Botella, Lawyer of ICA of Alicante no. 6571, Graduated in Law from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and Master in Business Administration and Management from the Sorbonne University of Paris practicing as a lawyer since 2008.

Lawyer specialized in Labor Law for individuals and companies and Administrative Litigation, areas in which he also serves as a lawyer on duty. It is also noteworthy that he is listed as a collaborating lawyer of the insurance company OCASO. S.A. since 2009 where it provides legal advice to the relatives of the deceased insured.

In 2022 he joined the Firm's team as an associate collaborator and responsible for the labor area.

Within its activity, the services to companies and freelancers aimed at complying with the regulations on the Protection of Personal Data and the Information Society.



Column group


Administration and Accounting


Communication, Business Development and Administration